Sunday, May 30, 2010


Squeezed this out of a new tube of Cad Orange..... I consider it a fortuitous omen for sure. I have been trying to take better care of my pallet lately, keeping it as clean as possible, w/o wasting paint.... Next pallet I make will last much longer I think -learn as you go!

Monday, May 24, 2010


The photo doesn't do it justice, Jabba is more prevalent and there is a staircase and door in the upper right corner.... This was for the Hope Gallery Star Wars show, painted in about 3 weeks, everything else went on hold. I was trying to mimic the Elvgren-ish style of pinup... feeling like I am at least progressing in my technical skills, though in hindsight the pose is a little rigid....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Working on a lot....

Got some pieces in the oven, but waiting to post till further along..... Here is one I gotta put on the back burner for a couple weeks....